Friday, January 11, 2008

Better Late Than Never

I'm going to participate in Karleen's Winter Reading Challenge. I'm jumping in a month late, but she still has the challenge open until mid-March. Plenty of time left!

I am going to college and majoring in Literature, so my reading list is assigned readings for my classes. Although, I have enjoyed most everything assigned so far it is still a list that isn't necessarily popular literature. At this point, I'm not really sure what the reading list completely includes for the Jan - June semester, but I do have a good idea and have gotten started before classes begin.

My reading list thus far includes the following:

Atonement by McEwan
Cane by Toomer
The Dante Club by Pearl
Death comes for the Archbishop by Cather
Farewell to Arms by Hemingway
Invisible Man by Ellison
Known World by Jones
La Mara Villa by Vea
Life in the Iron Mills by Davis
Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway
Passing by
Pride and Prejudice by Austen
Ragtime by Doctorow
So Far from God by Castillo
Tender is the Night by Fitzgerald

and 18 Shakespeare plays, some short stories and who knows what else!

My goal is that by mid-March I will have half of this list completed. The other half of course by the end of May. After that, fun reading for the summer! I usually read a book a week and hope to keep up that pace for 2008. I wish I could squeeze more in, but spare time is fleeting.


Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I'm glad you joined! That's quite a list!

Unknown said...

Your reading list looks fun, but time consuming. I'm not a student but I'm reading Hamlet, Henry IV parts one and two, and Richard III.
I love Shakespeare even if he's not a quick read these days. Hamlet, I couldn't put down. Henry IV is going more slowly. The language is mesmerizing--as beautiful as anything Shakespeare wrote. But Falstaff and Hal don't strike me as nearly as witty as people claim. Then, too, I'm not interested in their war, land, and lordship. Don't know why.
Glad you're on board.

Karlene said...

Wow! What a list. Good luck on that. And thanks for joining the Winter Reading Challenge.